Case Management Services

RSA’s Case Management Services act as a service system resource to engage, facilitate and mobilize partnerships and linkages to needed support and services within and across multiple service sectors for adults with developmental disabilities who have urgent and/or complex needs.


Enhanced Community Response (ECR) facilitators support collaboration among developmental service providers and broader community service systems to address the specific urgent/complex support needs of adults who have a developmental disability, on a time- limited basis in order to mitigate risk.
ECR adheres to the provincial urgent response guidelines to provide a consistent and standardized process across the Southwest Region of Ontario. It is not a crisis service, does not provide direct service and does not operate after-hours. Depending on the persons unique needs ECR facilitates plans and linkages to a variety of community resources, services and supports in order to mitigate short-term risk.

Eligibility for Enhanced Community Response

Developmental Services Ontario (DSO), Ontario’s centralized access point for adult developmental services, initiates an ECR referral if eligibility criterion is met. It is important to ensure the DSO is aware of your unique needs and circumstances so that they can ensure timely engagement of ECR when appropriate. To contact your local DSO office, visit the DSO website at and click on “Find Your Local DSO”.


RSA’s Case Management Services act as a service system resource to engage, facilitate and mobilize partnerships and linkages to needed support and services within and across multiple service sectors for adults with developmental disabilities who have urgent and/or complex needs.


Complex Support Coordination (CSC) provides case management for adults with developmental disabilities who have high-support and complex care needs that exceed the supports and services available to them, and/or require collaboration with cross-sector service providers and partners.
Working collaboratively with all parties, we take part in purposeful communication to create a plan for the person that identifies goals and determine pathways to reach them. CSC facilitates and coordinates linkages between people and potential services and supports and we encourage the person and their support team to pursue those connections. CSC advocates for people to receive necessary services and supports, though we cannot influence wait times or access funding.

Accessing Complex Support Coordination

Developmental Services Ontario (DSO), Ontario’s centralized access point for adult developmental services, initiates CSC. It is important to ensure the DSO is aware of your unique needs and circumstances so that they can ensure timely engagement of CSC when necessary. To contact your local DSO office, visit the DSO website at and click on “Find Your Local DSO”.


Health Care Facilitation (HCF) provides services to people with complex health needs. We begin with a health review, which informs an understanding of the person’s challenges/diagnoses or underlying or unmet health needs. From there, we develop an action plan to address those areas and evaluate the outcomes. Depending on the specific needs of the person HCF may:

  • make simple recommendations for the client and their caregivers to follow up on if the gaps in the person’s health are straightforward; or
  • make more complex and formalized recommendations if the health review shows substantial or serious areas of concern.
    If needed, HCF will work directly with the client to support them and their support team to follow through on the recommendations.

When needed HCF may also:

  •  coordinate cross-sectoral services to meet complex health needs
  •  act as a direct resource to hospital and community service agencies
  • build capacity through education, training and support specific to the needs of the person referred
  • navigate service systems
  •  advocate

Accessing Health Care Facilitation

Developmental Services Ontario (DSO), Ontario’s centralized access point for adult developmental services, initiates HCF. It is important to ensure the DSO is aware of your unique needs and circumstances so that they can ensure timely engagement of HCF when necessary. To contact your local DSO office, visit the DSO website at and click on “Find Your Local DSO”.


Dual Diagnosis Justice Case Management (DDJCM) provides support to adults who have a dual diagnosis and have come into contact with some aspect of the criminal justice system. We act as a system resource and create linkages and partnerships. We support people through the justice process and can intervene at any point – whether that be while the person is in custody, upon release from custody or at any court hearing or other point along the way. We help the person, their family and their support team to understand court proceedings and etiquette.

Based on the person’s specific needs we identify and assist in connecting the person to the most appropriate supports within their respective community and throughout different sectors including developmental, mental health and health care services, as well as housing and financial supports. We also assist the person to connect to legal and justice services including to legal aid and legal counsel.

We advocate to reduce the number of people with a dual diagnosis entering the criminal justice system and/or decrease their time in custody, when possible. For minor offences we can help the person apply for court diversion and encourage the person to adhere to diversion and treatment plans.

Accessing Dual Diagnosis Justice Case Management

DDJCM can be accessed through Ontario’s centralized access point for adult developmental services, Developmental Services Ontario (DSO). To contact your local DSO office, visit the DSO website at and click on “Find Your Local DSO”.

Also, this is the only case management service where referrals can be made directly to RSA by the person or others they’re connected to including: their family members, community partner agencies, lawyers, correctional facilities, police and hospitals. Click here to download our referral form

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