Assessment Services

Regional Support Associates employs a team of psychologists and psychological staff who provide psychological assessment services. Psychological assessments evaluate a person’s cognitive and adaptive functioning and well as their developmental history.

Assessments begin with a comprehensive clinical interview, in which the person, as well as people who know them well like family members or support providers, share information about the person’s history, strengths and challenges. Following the interview, standardized testing is administered to evaluate the person’s cognitive and adaptive functioning. Once the assessment is complete, a report is written and the results of the assessment are shared in a feedback session.

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Accessing Psychological Assessment Services

Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) is the central access point for adult developmental services in Ontario. In order to qualify for supports and services, a person must meet specific adaptive functioning, cognitive functioning and age of onset criteria as outlined in a psychological assessment. RSA receives referrals from DSO to conduct psychological assessments, which DSO then utilizes to help determine eligibility for adult developmental services.

As needed, and as capacity allows, psychological assessments are also conducted for people already in receipt of one of RSA’s services by way of an internal referral process.

For more information about accessing RSA’s psychological assessment services, please contact us at 1-800-640-4108

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